Monday, October 20, 2008

Pre-ordained ...

Athenae looks at how ugly the Rethugs are getting as they stare defeat in the face:


Anyone who didn't think it was gonna go this way has not been functionally awake for the last two presidential election cycles. I think in large part the hatred the last two times was mitigated somewhat by Republicans winning those elections, and thus able to say that though the forces of vegans and aborted gay babies aligned against them were mighty indeed, God and the Baby Jesus in a Flag Diaper prevailed and thus there's no need to go on a shooting spree. Put it more succinctly, as I did to a Republican aquaintance who was actually spitting mad at me about "those liberals," "You all won. Why can't you just enjoy your victory? What do you have to be so pissed off about?" I came to the conclusion that he was just cheesed off that in the face of one stolen and one narrowly won election, all liberals everywhere did not just shrivel up and magically die.


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