Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Public Apology To The Entire City of West Hollywood And All Sarah Palin Drag Queens

Steve Young

Yesterday I wrote a piece intimating that the real City of West Hollywood and its real mayor, Jeffery Prang, had called for a ban on real Sarah Palin drag queens/female impersonators.

But that was a lie. Balderdash. And in my mind…a satire.

Though it’s hard to find anything that West Hollywood wouldn’t allow, there are some in the media, as well as civilians, who took my piece seriously and inundated the web as well as West Hollywood City Hall with questions pertaining to the “ban.”

That is why I am taking the exceptional step of apologizing for any confusion.

While Sarah Palin might consider a ban on gay marriages in West Hollywood, West Hollywood is not considering a likewise ban on Sarah Palin drag queens.

If I might mangle a joke from the esteemed Ms Elayne Boosler, West Hollywood will allow as many Sarah Palins with penises as can fit on Santa Monica Boulevard.

Sorry for the misunderstanding…who I believe just might be the queen of this year’s parade.

I just threw this in because I grew up in a town that borders West Hollywood. It's where I went to go bowling, do my laundry, listen to live music, lotsa stuff. I worked in a gas station there. It's kind of a humdrum, workaday place in the daytime, but when the sun goes down you might say it flames into life. Legions of dragsters dressed like Sarah Palin is an aspect of Moosebreath's candidacy that I hadn't considered before. Fits W. Hollywood like a glove. A long sequined cocktail glove. I thought it was funny.

It got funnier.

While I had the linked post on the screen, Mrs. G came in. And started laughing. She's a small town girl who moved to L.A. when she turned 18 to go to college and seek her fame and fortune. She found me instead, but that's another story.

She lived in W. Hollywood for a while. Just as an aside, we used the same laundromat on Sta. Monica Blvd, so we were whirling around each other but our trajectories didn't collide 'til years later.

She and her friends went to Arthur J's coffee shop* at about 4AM after a night of partying. She mentioned to one of her pals that, considering the lateness of the hour, there sure seemed to be a lot of fairly tall gals there in very nice cocktail dresses. I'd like to have seen the look on her face when her friend wised her up! Welcome to the Big City, Clementine! I'm not sure if it made her laugh back then, but it sure did today! Heh.

More on West Hollywood here.

*Do not google up 'notorious gay hangouts of the '60s in W. Hollywood' unless you have plenty of time! It is apparently defunct.

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