Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Pundit in the Country

Here's some excerpts from Sunday's Noo Yawk Times interview with Rachel Maddow:

Biggest misconception about pundits: That we all hang out together. I don’t know any of these people. Maybe all the pundits are hanging out and not inviting me.

I think most of 'em are scared to death of her. She tells the truth.

Morning routine: I arrive in Massachusetts around 2 a.m. Saturday. I wake up so that I can put the trash and recycling together and get it to the dump, which closes at 11 a.m. Me and the dog go to the dump. Then we drive to a sheep farm and I let the dog look at the sheep.

I do the same thing with the sheep. Sometimes I take the dog.

Favorite item in house: The house mostly reflects Susan’s style, but I have to put my stamp on things. Once, I found a sculpture of a big, fat squirrel holding a reflector. You’re supposed to put it at the end of your driveway. We have it near the kitchen table; it’s the house mascot.

A reflective squirrel. Boy howdy, I can relate to that!!!

Fictional character she identifies with: Wally Cleaver. Cause he is a dork.

See "I can relate to that!".

She drives: I have a seven-year-old Ford pickup. Remember, I have to go to the dump.

I think maybe I better not make any comments about the long walk home...

Much more. Enjoy.

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