Saturday, October 18, 2008

Repug voter registration fraud

With all the Repug BS about ACORN, here's a little real voter registration fraud. LATimes.

Dozens of newly minted Republican voters say they were duped into joining the party by a GOP contractor with a trail of fraud complaints stretching across the country.

Voters contacted by The Times said they were tricked into switching parties while signing what they believed were petitions for tougher penalties against child molesters. Some said they were told that they had to become Republicans to sign the petition, contrary to California initiative law. Others had no idea their registration was being changed.

It is a bait-and-switch scheme familiar to election experts. The firm hired by the California Republican Party -- a small company called Young Political Majors, or YPM, which operates in several states -- has been accused of using the tactic across the country.

In Massachusetts, former YPM worker Angela McElroy testified at a legislative hearing in 2004that she had tricked voters into signing a ballot measure to ban gay marriage. She said she told voters they were signing in favor of a measure to allow alcoholic drinks to be sold in supermarkets.

I threw that paragraph in just because I was in a liquor store in Massachusetts once. I thought it was a supermarket. The place was effin' huge! We have nothing in California that compares. But we can get booze in our markets.

Local prosecutors are investigating the complaints, but where's the FBI in all this? Oh, that's right, they work for the Repugs. Too busy 'investigating' pretty much spurious allegations against the Democrats.


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