Monday, October 13, 2008

Repugs in trouble

P.M. Carpenter

Republicans Have Bigger Problems than John McCain's Dying Campaign

Indeed! And thanks to them, so do the rest of us.

I'm a watchful admirer of journalistic understatements, and this weekend brought us these: "Republican leaders said Saturday that they were worried Mr. McCain was heading for defeat unless he brought stability to his presidential candidacy and … they were concerned that he and his advisers seemed to be adrift."

And that, my friends, was the equivalent of White Star Line saying on April 15, 1912, that one of their ships seemed to be in a spot of trouble.

I love cruise ship references! It's all Fixer's fault...

"Yet, as we know, Republicans are as addicted to Rovian junk as much as their supply-side product. Like most degenerate addicts, however, they believe a sudden, cold-turkey withdrawal from both self-destructive habits could prove fatal. The opposite, of course, is true -- in fact it's their only hope of survival. Whether they wise up and sober up is the only suspense left."

The choice Mr. Carpenter leaves out is one that us ex-drunks know about: they could just die and save us the fucking drama.

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