Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Repugs' "Real America"


From the Chicago Tribune's report last Friday:

Two supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama found handwritten death threats in their mailboxes Thursday and reported them to Villa Park police.

A 74-year-old woman and a 46-year-old man with Obama signs in their front yards near the 600 block of South Villa Avenue received similar letters that had a Villa Park Village Hall return address. "Get the Obama signs off your property—now," the letter reads. "Failure to obey this order will result in the immediate death of all family members." Both residents said they will not remove their signs, though the man, who had voted Republican for 25 years before switching parties this year, said his wife is worried about letting their 7-year-old son play alone outside.

So let me get this right. John McCain's campaign makes a concerted effort at assailing Barack Obama's character with implications Obama has terrorist buddies. Since the attacks began, every day seems to bring a new incident of hate against Barack Obama's supporters.

In just the last three days, Obama supporters have been spit on, assaulted, had their tires slashed, and now this.

I don't have a lawn sign, but I have bumperstickers on two pickups. Try this one on me, you fucking cowards, and watch what happens. Really.

Better yet, spit on me. You have to be close enough that I can touch you to do that. In my dreams.

E & P Pub

The Asheville (N.C.) Citizen Times reports, "A dead bear was found dumped this morning on the Western Carolina University campus, draped with a pair of Obama campaign signs, university police said."

Maintenance workers at 7:45 a.m. found a 75-pound bear cub dumped at the roundabout at the entrance to campus, said Tom Johnson, chief of university police. “It looked like it had been shot in the head as best we can tell. A couple of Obama campaign signs had been stapled together and stuck over its head,” Johnson said.

Maybe a College Repug, more likely some bozo who thinks college students are communists because they want an education, killing a baby bear to make some insane point. Real big brave patriot, ain'tcha, asshole? That's beyond despicable. I hope the F & G cops find the prick that did it and expose him to the public light of day.

There ya go Palin, Pfotenhauer, and Bachmann, you too, Hayes, there's your "real America". I hope you cunts choke on it.

Fixer referred to "wears on people's nerves" in his post below. Mine are about ready to snap like a bungee cord with one strand left in it.

Note to the Crips and Bloods: Sorry, guys, but we need to borrow your colors for a while. I'm just about past ready to have it out with these Repug assholes. Let's get it over with.

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