Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Roasting Krugman

Paul Krugman's colleagues are having a ball raking him over the coals - in the good way - so far - in response to his Nobel Prize. I'm enjoying it too.

From Mr. Krugman's own blog:

The truth comes out

Andy Borowitz knows!

From Borowitz:

Krugman Could Turn into Massive Douchebag, Colleagues Fear

At one point, one of his fellow economists asked him a question about credit default swaps, to which Mr. Krugman reportedly snapped, "Credit default swaps can suck my ass -- I'm Paul Fucking Krugman!"

Mr. Krugman could not be reached for comment and instead referred all questions to his publicist, Sherri Hefstein, whom he hired minutes after winning the Nobel.

According to Ms. Hefstein, Mr. Krugman plans to spend the next few months "building his brand" and will be adapting his book, International Economics: Theory and Policy, into a feature film to star George Clooney.

MoDo gets in on the act:

I'm not sending Paul Krugman Champagne.

He won the Nobel prize in economics this week, and while I’m sure that’s delightful for him, it has raised the bar to an impossible height for his fellow columnists at The Times. We used to strive for Pulitzers,or simply regional awards, or even just try to top each other on the paper’s most e-mailed list.

Now we’re supposed to compete for Nobels?

It’s a total disaster. Any minute, Krugman might swagger into the office wearing that big old 24-karat-gold-plated medal around his neck like a World Wrestling championship belt, talking about how beautiful Sweden is.

So I must aim higher. Much higher.

A Nobel in economics is out. I didn’t take economics in college because all the classes started at 8 a.m. Physics, chemistry and medicine are out. Literature? They’ve given up giving it to Americans. So it’s going to have to be the Nobel Peace Prize.

Go see how much 'higher' she aimed. She ain't gonna win no Nobel for it, but she did win a prize: Gordon's Combination Shoveling Shit Against The Tide And Why Bother Award. Heh.

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