Friday, October 24, 2008

"Sarah Palin is historic."

Mark Morford's keyboard is on fire this week!

You really only get a handful, a smattering, maybe three or four per lifetime if you're lucky or blessed or just so happen to be paying the right kind of deeper karmic attention.

Historic events, I mean. Major shifts, upheavals, great leaps forward, the Thing That Changed Everything.

I'll cut to the chase: he's talking about Obama. A little over the top maybe, but maybe not. We desperately need the change anyway.

Here's the fun part:

Hell, you might argue that, infuriating ditzball or not, even Sarah Palin is historic. Not because she's rumored to be an actual woman on a GOP national ticket, but because she is such an incredible icon of inanity, every bit the insufferable, pseudo-folksy con-artist she is satirized to be.

And yet here she is, closer than any woman in history to sneaking into the White House without the slightest clue as to how she got there or what to do when the door opens. In short: Sarah Palin is historic because she makes Dan Quayle look like a f--king genius.

And what about John McCain? Really, who else in American electoral history had his first presidential run destroyed by some of the nastiest, most repulsive smear tactics imaginable, and then turned around and hires the same vile, cold-blooded tacticians to try and disgrace his opponent?

The historic part? When this is all over, these Rove-trained dung-flingers will have destroyed this once-dignified war hero not once, but twice. Once from the outside by attacking his honor, and once by eating him alive from within, with his own endorsement. Historically pitiable, is what it is.

No pity from this quarter. None at all. I am a little impressed that he spread his cheeks and fucked himself.

I got ta thinkin' (dangerous, I know) about the phrase "... she is such an incredible icon of inanity, every bit the insufferable, pseudo-folksy con-artist she is satirized to be."

Exactly like Bush, only with balls.

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