Tuesday, October 7, 2008

There were better choices ...

Than Sarah Palin. Via Jill, RedDan at Fighting Liberals points out that there are Republican women who would be better at taking the 'Hillary vote' away from Barry than VP Barbie:


I consider my self a progressive feminist: women should have equal pay for equal work, are an integral part of the political, economic, business, family, social and cultural fabric of every part of every society. Women should be accorded the same treatment and respect as every and any other person out there. There are many, many conservative republican women out there who, while I might detest them for their political views and actions, have orders of magnitude more credibility and cachet than this bubbleheaded loser. Women like Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Condoleezza Rice, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and so many others – they may be abhorrent politically, but hey – women have every right to be stupid and wrong as men, so why not, right?

On the Democratic side, we have women like Clinton, Sebelius, Granholm, Lee, and so many more across the spectrum from progressive to moderate to blue dog to whatever.

But Sarah Palin??


And had he chosen Snowe or Collins, I'd really be worried he might get the votes of women who admire Hillary. I'm married to one and I'll tell ya, I won't repeat what Mrs. F says when she hears Palin on the TV.

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