Friday, November 21, 2008

The Felimony Tour

Some good news!


After more than 30 years, those comic poets of dope, Cheech and Chong, have reunited for their Light Up America tour, which arrives this weekend in the Bay Area. We caught up with the pair earlier in the week from a hotel room on the road and started by asking them why they've hit the road again.

Cheech: Actually, this is for his felony and my alimony, so it's the Felimony tour.

Cheech: Stoner culture transcends every group, just like Cheech and Chong. There's no group that doesn't like Cheech and Chong, whether it's young, old, black, white, Chicano, biker, straight, gay, Republican, Democrat. It's like butter. Everybody likes butter.

Chong: It's like pot, too.

Cheech: Yeah.

Chong: 'Cause pot got into all the culture. When I was in jail, I was invited into all the groups - from the white supremacists who liked cowboy music to the rappers and Arabs - every culture, the Hawaiians. Every culture in prison would have me as their guest of honor when they had going-away dinners for people.

Cheech: We're thinking of starting a religion next.

Like, wooooow, man! Duuuude, sign my ass up!

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