Friday, November 7, 2008

Get a grip!

First of all, I would never, ever, put a pistol to a dog's head unless it was a rabid biter, and I abhor the symbolism in the picture although I tend to agree with the sentiment.

The reason I put that up there is because of the way that autoloader is being held. Just like a weak-kneed Dem would do it. His index finger is misplaced on the trigger and the other fingers are loose on the grip as if he does not expect the imminent small explosion inherent in launching a 240-grain projectile with gunpowder.

If he pulls the trigger, he's gonna lose some skin and get a broken wrist. Probly miss the dog and break the nearest window when the pistol flies out of his hand too. Shit, might as well get someone to pull the disconnector out so the slide flies off backwards with great force and sticks in his forehead. At least then it would render itself safe by not being able to reload.

That's if the damn thing even goes off. He may not be applying enough thumb pressure to deactivate the grip safety. I'm a wheelgun man myself, so I'm not expert enough to tell whether the hand cannon is a 1911A1 like it looks like to me, which needs to have the hammer manually eared back from half-cock (unless the slide has been freshly racked) for the first shot which it ain't.

Oh, never mind. The damn thing ain't got a magazine in it anyway. Yeesh. You can't even pound nails with it. Useless.

Note to Pablo: When you touchy-feelie types feel the need to use symbolism that's entirely foreign to you, call one'a us progressive rednecks for some help! I mean, my God, you might fool 'em in Frisco but the fuckin' wingnuts'll see that and think Libruls don't know a damn thing about firearms and thus cannot be trusted with national security!

The wingnuts would have done this one better. They have a lot more practice at gettin' folks to fall for their bullshit.


For comparison, here's how the Army says ta hold a heater. Marines have little pictures right on their pistols as a guide. Not so much to try to remember.

Note: The above pistol is an Italian Beretta, probably U.S.-made under license. Unlike choosing their leaders, when it comes to guns and motorcycles the paisans know their shit.

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