Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Headin' out...

Me 'n Mrs. G are headin' for the Central Coast this morning.

Making sure a fairly new and modern pickup is ready for a road trip is easy. Aired up the tires and topped off the windshield washer fluid. Hardest part was coiling up my air hose in 40° weather. Had to wash the windshield with mayonnaise too. A little messy, but necessary. You folks who know why are noddin' yer heads and the rest of yas must think I'm crazy. Heh. I'll keep ya in suspense for a while.

Mrs. G sorted out and neatened up our CD collection, so we got to pick out all different music than we usually take. It's fun to get out a bunch of oldies we haven't listened to in a while. We do about 200 miles straight down through the Central Valley, and commercial country and about ten kinds of Mexican music are OK but a little of it goes a long way, and you gotta be pretty close to NPR and community radio stations.

I'm looking forward to T'giving dinner. The stuffing, green bean casserole, and my niece's husband's heart attack mashed potatoes (one potato, three pounds of butter and cheese, seems like) are my favorites. I only take a helping of turkey because it is considered bad form not to.

We have more to be thankful for this year than for several years past, so just grin at yer wingnut relatives and eat mass quantities of their food. Probly back blogging tomorrow. Signin' off for now.

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