Friday, November 14, 2008

In the best interests of us all, you're on Russia watch...

Think Progress

In the wake of the Republican Governors Association (RGA) convention this week in Miami, many GOP governors were reluctant to embrace Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) as the party’s leader or presidential candidate for 2012. Today, the RGA made that sentiment official, by not voting her in to any of the organization’s leadership positions:

Da guvs is plenny smart.

The Repuglican't party is composed of tops and bottoms and yes, that's the context I mean. The tops use the bottoms in exactly the same fashion: they sweet talk 'em and fuck 'em and use 'em and then ignore 'em. Palin appeals to the whackjob base. The very last thing the Repugs want is for the bottoms to get on top.

My fearless prediction is that we will see the last of her on the national stage in any serious role in the near future. She may continue as far right comedy relief for years.

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