Monday, November 10, 2008

Marine Corps Birthday

Today is the 233rd birthday of my Marine Corps. Every year I do a little post on it. Here are 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Read the 2005 one as the setup for today's.

Marines are notoriously lazy when not out protecting the United Fruit Co. or some such, and I am no exception. Especially since the advent of YouTube. Heh.

Here's a slide show from last year's Birthday Ball by a young lady Marine from HMLA-269, the "Gunrunners". That's a Light Attack Helicopter squadron. These are Air Wingers ('MAW' stands for Marine Air Wing), young ladies and gentlemen all, so of course proper decorum was observed and obviously there was no drinkin' or cussin'. She did a very nice job on this, so you will watch it, the proper response to which is "Aye, aye, Sir" and click 'play'. Do it.

I was in the infantry at Camp Lejeune. So are these guys. This is a little more like it. Heh. I do suspect the presence of alcohol in this one.

Marines dance with each other all the time, of course, but they're usually in their skivvies and I'm really, really glad there were no video cameras in my day.

Semper Fidelis, Marines. Happy Birthday.

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