Friday, November 28, 2008

Questions ...

Avedon asks them:


Apparently, now that Paulson has spent all the money Congress gave him, the only effect being to protect the most culpable from having to suffer for their sins while completely failing to ameliorate any of the real problems they've created for our economy, he wants more money he can spend the same way. Gosh, I wonder what Congress will say....


Why, "to whom do we make the check out to this time", of course.

If anything, the Dems have proven they are spineless yes-men. Were it not for Howard Dean and the Obama campaign, the Rethugs would control Congress and McCain would be the President-elect. Believe it or not, ladies and germs, we've let them throw $700 bln away with no oversight since the fertilizer met the rotating blade. By the time Barry gets in, we won't be able to afford shit.

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