Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Size doesn't matter ...

Fuck Grover Norquist and the rest of the neocon assholes. Shaun explains 'big government' simply:


I confess to lingering resentment about Bill Clinton's notorious declaration that the era of "big government" had come to an end. That's absurd, of course, in the context of a nation of hundreds of millions, with a vast territorial reach and vital social, economic and security interests on every continent. Worse, it implies that there's some legitimacy to the "big government" boogeyman that the right wing uses as a blunt weapon against every worthwhile government program or regulation.

Our government will be, by most any standard, "big." That's not the question. The question is, of course, whether the government is effective. Efficiency counts, too, but size? "Big" is unavoidable. [italics mine, bolds in orig]


You can't take the government, fold it up, and put it in a drawer until you need it to help your ass out. What people don't get is that the Republicans' idea of bad 'big government' is one that makes everyone pay their fair share, as opposed to their dream of allowing the rich and the corporations to ride free on the middle class' dime.

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