Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Spineless ...

As usual. Once again, the Dems show their true colors:

It now appears that Joe Lieberman will get a symbolic slap on the wrist tomorrow from the pantywaists known as Democratic senators ...

If Holy Joe was a Republican and he pulled this shit on them, we'd find his dead carcass hanging in a tree, his genitals removed and sown up in his mouth.

The Dems act like nothing's wrong.

If this keeps up, by 2012, there will be another Republican administration in the White House and a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress.


And Greenwald looks at the mindset of the Dem leadership like only he can:


This little vignette provides a very vivid and crystallizing illustration of how Congressional Democratic leaders think and behave. They consider it a good thing -- not a bad thing -- when they anger their own base. They're thrilled when they get accused -- accurately -- of acting like Republicans and supporting right-wing measures, particularly on national security and "terrorism" issues. They consider it a benefit -- an incentive -- when they are attacked for embracing Republican political policies and violating the principles of their own base.


Numerous sources -- including this one and this one -- are now reporting that the Senate Democratic caucus has reached a deal with Joe Lieberman, and he will retain his Chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee. The deal will be ratified in a vote tomorrow morning (and will entail his losing a totally meaningless subcommittee chair).

Nobody who has watched Congressional Democrats over the last many years could possibly have expected any other outcome. This is who they are and what they do. The silver lining is that it will once again remind people, still euphoric over the election results, of this reality. [my em]


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