Friday, November 28, 2008

They're coming here next ...

Ah, but for the sound of people shitting their pants, it would have been a perfect Thanksgiving.

Too bad the terrorists in Mumbai picked this time to kill people. Yes, it's heartbreaking so many people were killed, but it ain't about us. India, the majority of whose population are decent, hard-working folks, is a patchwork of crazy Muslims, crazy Hindus, and even some crazy Christians, (not to mention the whole Kashmir issue) all having their own agenda. The idea of taking Westerners hostage is to bring their agenda to the fore in the world's consciousness.

Did you hear Miles O'Brien acting like a little baby while sitting in for Wolfie on Wednesday? Breathlessly asking everyone he interviewed about how they're hunting down Westerners. "They're coming for us!"

And everyone else who's been scared shitless since 9/11 jumps on the bandwagon. The local news was interviewing people at LaGuardia Airport and one guy said it took him 5 years past 9/11 to get on a plane and this thing in Mumbai is gonna fuck him up for another few more.

Grow the fuck up. If I acted like you people, I'd never go anywhere in the world.

Shit happens all over. People get hit by lightning, get run over by a city bus as they walk out their front door, and drop dead from a heart attack at a young age even though they've led very healthy lives.

There are places in the world where just the act of getting on a bus is an iffy proposition. You have more to worry about from a crazy driver fucking you up on the way to work than you do getting blown up by a terrorist.

That's the problem with this country; one of the reasons we've had to put up with the Chimp's bullshit and criminal activity for the last 8 years. A good portion of us have bought into the fear. All so worried they're gonna get blown up at the mall.

I'm tired of the whiners. I'm tired of the crybabies. I'm tired of all the people who run and hide when something blows up 10,000 miles away. Listen to me: You're fucking Americans!

Throughout our history, we've stood up to people who would intimidate us. Somebody hits us, we pound 'em into the dirt. The Nazis and the Japanese Empire learned that the hard way. As little as 60 years ago, we destroyed a regime bent on world domination, one that controlled vast armies, navies, and air forces, one that could just as easily have brought the war here. We fought a Cold War against a regime who could easily have destroyed us and the world five times over.

Nowadays, if a Muslim farts sideways somewhere in the world, everybody hides under the bed. We've become a nation of whiners and bedwetters, allowing anyone who promises us security to abrogate our civil rights and ruin our economy fighting this big, bad bogeyman. We've mistaken platitudes and coddling for leadership and we're paying the price.

My fellow Americans, a grown-up will be in the White House in less than two months. Use him as an example. I'm tired of your crying.

Grow up and act like Americans!

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?



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