Monday, November 3, 2008

This ain't a movie, Ah-nold

Pensito Review

One trait Schwarzenegger shares with George Bush is a sense of humor that relies heavily on locker-room towel-snapping:

Schwarzenegger long has sponsored an annual bodybuilding competition in Columbus, and he joked that he hoped to invite Obama next time because “he needs to do something with those skinny legs.”

“We’re going to make him do some squats, and then we’re going to give him some biceps curls to beef up those scrawny little arms. But if you only could do something about putting some meat on his ideas,” Schwarzenegger said.


Yeah, har-dee-fuckin'-har. This ain't no movie, Ah-nold. No stunt men allowed. I've seen Obama with his shirt off. The kid's made out of steel springs. I bet he could kick your ass up around your ears. Don't worry, he won't. He wouldn't wanta be accused of elder abuse.

McCain and Schwarzenegger won’t be campaigning together in California, because the last three statewide polls show McCain losing to Barack Obama by jaw-droppingly large margins — 27, 23 and 22 percentage points.



LTR: "Send In The Clowns".

“we're here to plump... you up”

I rest my case.

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