Monday, November 3, 2008

Wishful thinking ...

Digby has a good post up about the conservative pundits developing a sense of amnesia about the last 8 years. She sums up with a hope for the future:


If Obama wants to deliver change, the first thing he has to do is figure out a way to either co-opt of vanquish the village elders. And congress is a wild card. If they play nice, Obama may be able to roll over the village. If they decide to play "who's the boss" then we'll have a different scenario. Hopefully, they will have learned the real lesson of the Clinton years, which is to not enable Republicans by stabbing your president in the back every time he tries to do something even slightly liberal ...

But Digby is one of the major voices of the Reality-based Community and knows what the rest of us do:

... I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Our TV commentary sucks and it's one of the reasons we have so many 'undecideds' in this country. If you get your news from any of the major networks (let alone from Fox) you'd probably be under the impression the presidential race is neck-and-neck. I have CNN on for background while I'm working on the house in the afternoons and if I weren't a regular blog reader, I wouldn't get it either.

Unfortunately, I doubt the situation will change anytime soon. Fortunately, Darwinism works in more systems than just biology.

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