Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We need a little light humor today. Well, maybe you don't, but I gotta unclench everything fer a minute. It's startin' ta hurt a little. Besides, it snowed last night, the world is white, and I'm thinkin' winter. Enjoy.

This one's dedicated to Moosebreath Palin who's gonna name the next of her spawn 'Zamboni'. I wonder if she knows she's naming it after a product that's not made in the 'real' America?

[...] In fact, it's not unusual to see Zamboni ice resurfacers driving down the neighborhood streets on their way to be tested at Iceland.

Ya'd think me 'n Fixer worked there! Can Zambonis peel out?

Gear Daddies - I Wanta Drive The Zamboni

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