Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This goes out to all our dear sweet godless commie fuck friends who were put off the new President because of all the religious crap that goes with the traditional pomp and circumstance that surrounds the passage of power instead of realizing that we've just had sort of a spiritual moment by our deliverance from the worst buncha bastards that ever hijacked a country. Well, this country anyway. Frankly, until PBO said 'I do' or whatever, I didn't think it was gonna come off. I'm thanking my God, your God, any and all gods, the Architect Of The Universe, and/or yer Aunt Sadie that maybe now we've got a guy who'll show up and isn't an intellectual black hole like that last sonofabitch. Hallelujah! Lead us out of the wilderness, Moses Barry, that that bastard and the flying monkeys that shot outta his ass purposely blundered us into at such high speed!

A lovely song by a nice Italian girl from Noo Yalk and a longhaired gui-tar picker oughta make you feel better.

10,000 Maniacs & David Byrne ~ Let The Mystery Be

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