Tuesday, January 6, 2009

DINO Feinstein

Mrs. G used the expression "got her knickers all in a twist" about not being informed of the Panetta appointment just as she handed me my bowl of oatmeal. Gee, thanks, hon. Just what I wanted to think about as I stared at the gray, amorphous lump of my breakfast was DiFi's knickers. I'm not sure if the blackberries helped my visual or not...

Following up on Fixer's post a little, here's a DiFi quote from long ago and far away when it was easy for her to go along with the enemy. She should only do so with her supposed own.

Think Progress, with links and a neat little box showing her votes for various Bush appointees. As in all of 'em.

In justifying her vote to confirm Porter Goss as CIA director in 2004, Feinstein said, “I believe the President should have the prerogative to appoint who he wants to be the DCI, or for any other senior position, subject only to the requirement that the person be qualified for the job.” [...] (my em)

Hell hath no fury like a powerful millionaire political lady scorned, I guess.


It's all Water under the Board

From Attaturk at Firedoglake:

Epic-moral-fail. (Reference is to Kappas, but it fits. - G)

Leon Panetta may not have been working on intelligence case reports, but on this issue he's sterling. And if there is to be a CIA head, then let it be one that will let the professionals do their job, while putting a line in the sand they will NOT cross. Feinstein had no problem voting for pro-torture Attorney General Mike Mukaskey and pro-torture CIA head Porter Goss and both have by and large bought Bush's bullshit for 8 years running, but heaven forbid someone who will not run the CIA like a "24" episode be appointed.

Adding my voice to the general din, yo, Di, STFU.

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