Friday, January 9, 2009

Idiot Stick

So I was reading an article about a resurgence of folks growing their own food, with this photo posed to resemble Grant Wood's American Gothic.

Jesus Christ, buddy, take a grinder to that fuckin' shovel! And get a spade for digging and use that thing for flingin' the dirt. It would embarrass me all to shit to get caught in a newspaper photo with my shovel in that condition! City folks, bah!

I use a shovel virtually every day, during the winter anyway, and have an extensive collection of them. The right tool for the job, and keep 'em in good shape.

The folks in the photo are in Topanga Canyon, I think. I know what they grow up there, and have for fifty years and more. Be sure to smoke at least three helpings a day. Heh.

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