Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jarheads on Obama: "He's good to go."


Some of the Americans listening most intently to President Obama's inaugural speech were those half a world away, like the Marines at Camp Ripper in Al Asad, Iraq.

Initial analysis: The new commander in chief is good to go.

'Good to go' is Jarhead-speak for 'ready to rock'.

Cpl. Mark Thiry: "He made me feel like he has a real plan. I'm definitely interested in his plans for Iraq."

Cpl. Kyle Hunter: "He's not going to cut military spending because he's focused on sending Marines into Afghanistan. I'd like to go there."

Shit, Corp, you'd like to charge Hell with a bucket of water if they'd let ya! Where do we get these guys? And thank our lucky stars for 'em too.

And an update on a comment I made earlier:

P.S. The troops in Iraq weren't the only Marines focused on the inaugural. In Washington, Cpl. Elideo Guillen was selected to dance with the new first lady at the Commander in Chief's Ball. Guillen said he practiced the box step with his wife so the dance would go off without a miscue.

"I just tried to get warmed up and not step on her toes," he told CNN.

I saw it with my own eyes, and there were Sergeant stripes on his sleeve. Maybe he borrowed the uniform. He came up about to her nose. Anyway, I never thought I'd say this about our lovely First Lady:

About tall girls - nose ta nose, yer toes is in it, toes ta toes, yer nose is in it.

Semper Fi, Corporal. Ya done the Corps proud. In the Army, they give medals for less.

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