Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kids with Nazi-themed middle names in state custody

The Inquirer, Philly

The three New Jersey children with Nazi-themed middle names have been placed in the custody of the state, police said.

The children and their parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, received attention last month when a northwestern supermarket bakery refused to put Adolf Hitler Campbell’s name on a birthday cake.

Note to NJDYFS: change their names and cut their dad's nuts off so he can't breed again.

In my town there used to be a Frenchman who had a microbrewery that made excellent beer. He always made sure that our VFW Post's activities were well supplied with his products free of charge.

When we asked him why he felt such good will toward Veterans, his simple reply was, "You killed Nazis".

It's about all you can do with them.

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