Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama to Bush: I Can Release Your Records. Don't Like It? Sue.


On his first day in office, President Obama put former president Bush on notice. His administration just released an executive order that will make it difficult for Bush to shield his White House records--and those of former Vice President Dick Cheney--from public scrutiny by invoking the doctrine of executive privilege. Shortly after taking office, Bush handed down his own executive order, amending the Presidential Records Act to give current and past presidents, along with their heirs, veto power over the release of presidential records, which are considered the property of the American people.

May I suggest a new method of categorizing and labelling Bush and Cheney's records? Call them "War Crimes And Abuse Of Power Trials Exhibits A through ∞".


Expanding on Fixer's post, Think Progress has more of the fat gasbag's babblings about President Obama:

LIMBAUGH: What I’m afraid of is that what Obama did with this executive order is actually make it easier for the media to go get Bush documents. Because you know Pelosi and some of the guys over in congress are talking about war crimes trials and charges and so forth. […]

What I’m afraid of is what Obama’s done here is made the gathering of the information for this kind of stuff– This is not American. This is not America. This is not what America does. We don’t– This is Banana Republic kind of stuff.

Wrong again, Viagra breath. The difference between 'rule of law' and a Banana Republic is that we will give the criminals due process and fair trials before we stand them up against a wall and shoot them.

With any luck, Limbaugh’s fears of an open and accountable government will be realized.

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