Thursday, January 8, 2009

Paging Dr. Gupta!!!

Obviously, this woman never puffed up a fattie:


And now, we’re going through it too. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug on college campuses today. While this isn’t anything new, it’s still something to consider, especially when short-term effects of smoking include distorted perceptions, difficulty solving problems and complications with learning and memory.


Listen to me. Aside from what it does to your lungs (better than cigarettes iin my book, because it at least does something for ya while it kills ya), pot is not a dangerous drug. Ever heard of anyone OD-ing on marijuana? You smoke too much, you fall asleep after killing a box of Twinkies and a half gallon of chocolate milk.


But still, some of my classmates claim they can write more profound papers and engage in better conversations when high on marijuana. Others say they hit the pipe nearly every day and can still pull high GPAs. They say it’s just a phase.


Let's see. Built outstandingly good race engines - check. Written 14 novels - check. Designed and remodeled my house ... myself - check.

If more people smoked dope and the world would be a better place. If anything, it should be legal for medicinal purposes, let alone the lives it will save in the 'War on Drugs' if it's legalized and taxed (remember the recession?):

On Tuesday afternoon El Paso Mayor John Cook vetoed a resolution unanimously passed by city council that would have asked the U.S. government to begin a serious debate on legalizing narcotics.

Earlier in the day city council passed a resolution, ration[aliz]ing that the best way to stop the drug wars in Juarez may be to legalize the drugs here in the United States. It was part of a larger resolution outlining several steps for the United States and Mexico to take in order to cut down on the number of murders between rival drug cartels. Last year more than 1,600 people were murdered in Juarez.


Of course, what then would the prison industry do?


The headline of this story tells you all you need to know about how the War On (Certain American Citizens Using Non-Pharmaceutical, Non-Alcoholic, Tobacco-Free) Drugs occupies a position in the public discourse that is considered unassailable. The City Council’s resolution just asks the federal government to debate drug legalization, and the headline reads: “Mayor Cook Saves City From Possible Embarrassment” - because nobody serious would ever question the Drug War! How embarrassing to have the gall to ask Senator Hutchinson to even think about investigating alternatives to spending $50 billion a year trying to stop people from using drugs!


Wonder what we could do with that money, eh? The 'War on Drugs' has done nothing but make foreign drug lords rich, get a lot of people killed, and a whole lot of other people thrown in jail for non-violent, minor offenses. Thing is, over the last 30 years, the flow of drugs has just gotten heavier. How long does it take this country to figure out when they're fighting losing battles?

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