Sunday, January 25, 2009

The People vs. Dick Cheney

Fantasy Island?

A 'recommended read' at MoJo:

Today, with Rumsfeld and his former boss on their way to the judgment of history, the question of accountability looms large. From liberals fantasizing about Dick Cheney in handcuffs, to cia officials taking out insurance against prosecution, many are wondering: Will there be redress for the crimes of the Bush administration—and if so, what form should it take?

I suppose drawing and quartering them is out of the question...

Whatever form it takes, the accounting will not be easy. As one close observer has put it, "Who would want the job of cleaning the Augean stables anyway?" Congress may not be able to redirect the rivers as Hercules did to wash out the accumulated filth, but it can go a long way in that direction. Accountability is a worthy goal even if incomplete. To borrow a phrase from Chile's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the best we can hope for is "all the truth and as much justice as possible."

If it even goes that far, something will be better than nothing, I suppose. Sigh. I'm still hoping for full-tilt-boogie prosecutions.

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