Monday, January 5, 2009

"Smaller than life ..."

'Daddy' Frank Rich bids the Chimp a not-so-fond arrivederci:


The joke was on us. Iraq burned, New Orleans flooded, and Bush remained oblivious to each and every pratfall on his watch. Americans essentially stopped listening to him after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, but he still doesn’t grasp the finality of their defection. Lately he’s promised not to steal the spotlight from Barack Obama once he’s in retirement — as if he could do so by any act short of running naked through downtown Dallas. The latest CNN poll finds that only one-third of his fellow citizens want him to play a post-presidency role in public life.


I'd like him to play a post-Presidency role in a supermax prison. And because it might not be obvious to all Americans, a pamphlet with the Chimp's 'accomplishments' is being distributed.


This document is the literary correlative to "Mission Accomplished." Bush kept America safe (provided his presidency began Sept. 12, 2001). He gave America record economic growth (provided his presidency ended December 2007). He vanquished all the leading Qaeda terrorists (if you don’t count the leaders bin Laden and al-Zawahri). He gave Afghanistan a thriving "market economy" (if you count its skyrocketing opium trade) and a "democratically elected president" (presiding over one of the world’s most corrupt governments). He supported elections in Pakistan (after propping up Pervez Musharraf past the point of no return). He "led the world in providing food aid and natural disaster relief" (if you leave out Brownie and Katrina).


2 1/2 weeks and King George will be on his way and not a minute too soon. If I fixed cars the way George Bush 'fixed' America, I'da been out on the street years ago.

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