Monday, March 30, 2009

'Get a good lawyer,' lawyer tells former Bush official

Raw Story

Douglas Feith, former undersecretary of defense under President George W. Bush, is accused by Spanish human rights lawyers of providing legal cover to Bush policies under which detainees were tortured. The lawyers want to try a number of Bush officials -- among them former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales -- in Spanish court.

Feith fired back in an interview Sunday, saying, "the charges as related to me make no sense."

"They criticize me for promoting a controversial position that I never advocated," Feith added.

In response, Gonzalo Boye, one of the lawyers filing the complaint, advised Feith to get a "very good lawyer."

Shit, Dougie, if you're so fuckin' innocent, just go with the Public Defender. We got one here I'd recommend - he's got a better conviction rate than the District Attorney. Heh.

The five others accused -- David Addington, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney; Jay Bybee, one of the authors of a now-infamous Bush "torture memo;" William Haynes; John Yoo, one of the architects of Bush's 'enhanced interrogation' policy; and Alberto Gonzales, Bush's ex-Attorney General -- have all declined comment on the charges.

Better brush up on your Spanish, boys. Just the basics - you'll have plenty of time to refine it in a Spanish prison.


Think Progress

Feith often expresses amnesia about his central role in approving torture. “I strongly championed a policy of respect” for the Geneva Conventions, he told Congress last year. In reality, British international lawyer Philippe Sands reported that Feith “took the steps to ensure that none of these detainees could rely on Geneva.”

Feith, who was once described by Gen. Franks, no rocket scientist himself, as 'the dumbest fucking guy on the planet' and his ilk expressed great respect for Geneva. Except, of course, for those persons to whom they did not wish it to apply.

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