Monday, April 6, 2009

Gregory: will no one bash Obama but me?

The Bobblespeak Translations translates yesterday's Press The Meat for us.

First, Dave Gregory interviews Fritz Henderson, replacement CEO at GM:

Gregory: look the reality is Obama is a fascist - now say it!!!

Henderson: Obama told me not to

Gregory: how can you and I work together to destroy the unions?

Henderson: see me in the green room

Gregory: people think GM cars totally suck

Henderson: that's true

Gregory: how do you win consumers back?

Henderson: two words: big fins

Gregory: you are the worst spokesman ever

Henderson: yeah I know

And later during the panel discussion:

Gregory: Bibi says the messianic crazy people should not have nukes

Kay: well Bush is out of office

Gregory: How do we handle a girl named Israel?

Gerson: Weaponization is easy - comedy is hard

Dave: I do it week after week

Gregory: Obama has a weird approach to foreigners - he listens to them instead of killing them

Gerson: fuck him

Rogers: it's almost as if after Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II we decided to elect a man without dementia or psycho-sexual hangups

Gerson: jesus Dave even I think you're in the tank for the GOP - Obama had to take on big business

Gregory: will no one bash Obama but me??

Rogers: Obama is doing the right thing

Kay: sorry dancin' dave i think Obama is right here

Gregory: [ weeps openly ]

Gregory: today we celebrate two rites of spring - the cherry blossom festival and Karl Rove and I will interpret Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps on the White House Oval - don't miss it!!

Get a tan first, Dave. Yer liable to blind someone.


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