Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm disgusted with the U.S. Navy

Captain Phillips, skipper of Maersk Alabama and hostage to drugged-up Somalian thugs, obviously read my earlier post and followed my advice:

[...] You better just jump overboard and swim for it and pray that the nearby US warship blasts those pirates to Kingdom Come if they point their weapons at you. Best of luck.


Reporting from Washington and Nairobi, Kenya -- Adrift with his captors in sight of U.S. warships, the American sea captain being held for ransom by Somali pirates briefly escaped their lifeboat by jumping overboard, a U.S. official said Friday, but was recaptured and brought back.

Where was our fuckin' Navy? Why, right there! And they screwed the pooch.

They should have had a gun team - .50 cal, 20mm, 5-inch .38, a sharpshooter with an M-14, whatever, in position to take advantage of Captain Phillips' jump. There was a window of a few seconds between the time he jumped and the time the thug fired warning shots at him to force him back aboard.

In those few seconds the pirate should have died. If this had been a SWAT situation in L.A. or NYC, he would have.

What's the Navy for? Why, to keep the sea lanes open, among other things. What do we pay them for? They let four clowns with Kalashnikovs buffalo three goddam warships, and weren't ready to take them out when they had the chance. What the fuck good are they?

You fucked up, Canoe Clubbers. I'm disgusted with you.

There will be more on this. Latest report is that many, many pirates, with hostages in tow, are converging on the area. I hope they don't have enough dope to try and seize one of our destroyers. Shit, at the rate our Navy's going they'll get it and we'll be ransoming off one of our first-line men-o'-war. Won't that look wonderful?

And fuck you, Repugs, kudos to the French. My condolences to the family of the hostage who was killed, but the Frogs had the balls to go do it.

This shit has to stop, even if innocent people have to die, I'm sorry.


I heard earlier that the Somalian pirates were paid $80 million in the last year, mostly by the companies insuring the ships. Why don't you insurance companies just pay them first so they can get stoned and not have to go out to sea in the first place?

Kill 'em off or pay 'em off, makes no difference to me, but this shit is getting ridiculous.

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