Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mount Olympia ...

Will Ms. Snowe be next? Sounds like she's putting out feelers:


But Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine, who also supported the Obama administration’s economic stimulus legislation, said Mr. Specter’s decision reflected the increasingly inhospitable climate in the Republican party for moderates.

"On the national level of the Republican Party, we haven’t certainly heard warm, encouraging words about how they view moderates, either you are with us or against us," Ms. Snowe said. She said national Republican leaders were not grasping that "political diversity makes a party stronger and ultimately we are heading to having the smallest political tent in history for any political party the way things are unfolding."


Looks like she's about had it too.

Great thanks to Dr. Atta J. Turk (Podiatrist to the Stars) for the link.

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