Thursday, April 2, 2009

Professional whining ...

Or, We're being persecuted by the Liberals!!! Greenwald:


Exemplifying the deeply self-pitying theme of the entire discussion, Jonah ["The Pantload" Goldberg] continuously insisted that conservative magazines are so very, very important to the political landscape -- indispensably so -- because conservative voices are frozen out of mainstream media venues by The Liberal Media, so that poor, lonely, stigmatized conservatives can only get right-wing opinion in places like Weekly Standard and National Review. In between Jonah's petulant laments about how conservative opinion cannot be heard in The Mainstream Media, Bill Kristol talked about his New York Times column and his Washington Post column, John Podhoretz told stories about his tenure editing The New York Post Editorial Page and Charles Krauthammer's years of writing a column for Time and The New Republic, and Jonah referenced his Los Angeles Times column. None of them ever recognized the gaping disparity between those facts and their woe-is-us whining about conservative voices like theirs being shut out of The Liberal Media. So important in conservative mythology is self-victimization that they maintain it even as they themselves unwittingly provide the facts which disprove it. [my em]


It's amazing how quickly conservatives' memories can fade. Why, just a few short years ago, anything they said was taken as gospel by "the liberal media" but, now that 'ideological cleansing' has taken place, they can't get their views heard anywhere ... like CNN for example. Because, you know, "the best political team on television" is really nothing more than a Socialist front.

I can't believe we let these assholes run the country for 8 years.

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