Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Republican 'vision' ...

For Rethugs, thinking long-term is wondering what they're gonna have for dinner. The RNC token 'chairman':

Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele defended GOP opposition to pandemic preparedness funding in the stimulus bill in an interview with CNN Tuesday, saying the party had no way of knowing that such a threat might actually materialize. "Did we know this at the time of the vote?" Steele asked. "Don't come back and make this link six months after the fact ... we don't know what tomorrow holds." He added, "I'm not going to sit here and accept that connection."


So, we should only worry about stuff is if it's a threat now. Sort of like volcano monitoring and hurricane prediction (run away!!!). They're sure into spending a lotta money to counter the Soviet ballistic missile threat though.

Oh ... wait ...

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