Monday, April 6, 2009

Repugs: effectively cornered within just Dixie

P.M. Carpenter comes up with some odd conclusions, but some of his piece is spot on:

You know the right is in big, big trouble when even David Horowitz, one of the movement's leading intellectual charlatans and classic paranoids, begins to realize that so many around him are just plain nuts.

Yeah, thinkin' everybody's crazy but you is a symptom of something. Heh.

If the GOP leaves its fantastical condition untreated -- which, it appears, it is likely to do -- then the party's prognosis is likely terminal. Perhaps in 30 years, 40 years, the general electorate will forget what the "tenets of Reaganism" inflicted on this nation and once again become seducible. But I'm skeptical that the GOP can survive in the wilderness that long; it is already effectively cornered within just Dixie.

Watch it! A rabid, red-eyed beast frothing at the mouth is at its most dangerous when cornered. I think we are seeing signs of their desperation and they're liable to do anything. Anything, even if it brings our nation down.

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