Saturday, April 25, 2009

Watch this! Heh...

Normally I would put something like this at Fixer & Gordon, but this is just too funny and I had to share! I think you will be able to tell almost from the start how this is going to go. I suspect alcohol involvement.

The title of this is 'Prawdziwy kaskader'. 'Kaskader' is Polish for 'stunt men'. One wonders if the rider knew he was one when he let the clutch out...

I think if there's a moral to this story, it's "If you can't start it by yourself, don't ride it. But if you do, make sure there's video!"

Thanks to edzierzoniow.


Speaking of video, I wish we coulda seen the look on the guy's face when he came to three simultaneous "OH SHIT!" moments:

1) When he realized that the grand steaming pile of Polish home-brew under him was not going to turn*, and

2) Also that the throttle of said GSTPOPHB was STUCK!, and

3) His ride was about over and the corollary simultaneity of wondering just how badly it was going to end.

*Don't feel bad, buddy. Nobody coulda turned that thing. Heh.

There's a larger point to be made here as well. As I have said repeatedly, there is an element of politics in everything, and here's the point in that video:

Everybody the world over is pretty much the same as everybody else, even, maybe especially, gearhead bozos like us and those Polish dudes. I woulda felt right at home if I had been there with them when that bomb went off. If ever the people of the world realize this and stop hating each other, the true promise of humankind can commence. I'm not holding my breath.

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