Tuesday, April 28, 2009

White House Call For Prosecution Of Torture


Wouldn't it be nice... if the White House would release a statement containing these words:

"Today, on the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the United States declares its strong solidarity with torture victims across the world. Torture anywhere is an affront to human dignity everywhere. We are committed to building a world where human rights are respected and protected by the rule of law."

The White House did release a statement starting with these words. But it wasn't from the Obama Administration. No, this statement came on June 26, 2003 -- under the reign of George W. Bush.


"The United States is committed to the world-wide elimination of torture and we are leading this fight by example. I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture and in undertaking to prevent other cruel and unusual punishment."

Well, you know how he lies. Of course he may have been referring to heads of state who torture without covering their ass by quasi-legal-sounding flim-flammery that will confuse everybody when he gets caught.

More at the site.

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