Thursday, May 28, 2009

The American people ...

Want single-payer health insurance (links aplenty) overwhelmingly. It's about time for the politicians to choose what's more important to them, campaign funds from Big Health and Big Pharma or actually getting reelected:


When the time came for questions, McArthur stood up and asked a simple question. Looking across a standing-room-only crowd of about 275, he asked how many were happy with their employer-based health insurance.

Less than 10 people raised their hands.


Case in point: The Mrs. has what is considered 'good' health insurance. Her company pays most (2/3) of the premium, though we still pay $400/month (plus the requisite co-pays for everything). Thing is, the insurance only offers two plans - one for single employees and the other is a family plan. If the Mrs. took the single plan, it would cost her about $30/month. So, instead, because she has me, we're paying the same premiums as an employee, with spouse, and as many kids as they can produce.

So, do you think I have a problem with paying $1000 - $1500 a year in higher taxes to have an insurance plan that doesn't take more from me than I take out of it? Not in the least. Would I mind getting that much taken from my paycheck every year if I didn't have health insurance? I would welcome it.

It's time to take the profit out of health insurance. The health of the nation should not be a "market". It should be part of the national infrastructure.

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