Tuesday, May 12, 2009

But ...

Contrary to Rethug screeching points, it seems Nancy Pelosi (and the rest of the Dem leadership) were not briefed on Bush "interrogation techniques":

Former Senator Bob Graham, who received a classified briefing on terror detainees during the same month in the fall of 2002 as Nancy Pelosi, was not briefed about the use of either waterboarding or enhanced interrogation techniques during the meeting, he claimed in an interview with me.

Graham’s assertion — his first public comments since the release of the intelligence document detailing torture briefings given to members of Congress — directly contradicts the document’s claim that he had been briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques, or EITs. Graham is now the second Dem official to deny on the record the document’s contents and raises questions about its claim that Pelosi had been told, which she has denied.


It's time for a full, open investigation into Bush war crimes and let the chips fall where they may, regardless of who gets splattered with the shit. If they were involved (Dem or Rethug) they should be facing a federal judge or sitting in the dock at The Hague, period.

Thanks to Mr. Aravosis for the link.

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