Monday, May 25, 2009

The Cheney Channel

David Swanson with a 'recommended light read'.

An association representing top advertisers on broadcast and cable television has proposed the creation of a new Cheney Channel dedicated exclusively to the Cheney family, the primary motivation apparently being to get Dick and Liz off all the other channels where their presence seems to be hurting the sales of advertised products.

Shouldn't be a problem getting niche advertisers on a Dick Channel - Viagra, Cialis, Depends, various kinds of SM and S&M products, anything that might appeal to their bitter old failed white loser audience.

Well, Liz just went on TV and said that her father began the We-Love-Torture tour because he was concerned that the Justice Department might prosecute people for torture. The bluff is now exposed. Are you listening, Mr. Holder? President Obama? They're afraid of YOU. You don't have to be afraid of them.

Yo, Eric, Barry, that's a HINT!

Also in the same interview, Liz made clear the importance of releasing photos and videos, because she distinguished all instances of torture by Americans from those we've seen in photographs from Abu Ghraib. It turns out that if something is photographed, it's a crime, whereas if we aren't allowed to see it, and if our education system does not create a populace capable of responding to the written word, then no crime has been committed.

Liz has been running her mouth quite a bit in recent weeks, and I hadn't been paying attention. It turns out that she and her father and perhaps her mother too say a lot of useful things if you give them zillions of hours of airtime. The trouble is that it's mostly such toxic filth that nobody can stand to sit through it. If the Cheneys were given their own channel, however, we could watch the other channels in peace and tranquility, and some masochist preparing to withstand even more enhanced techniques could weed through and tell us the useful things that were said.

Or, toward the same end, Liz Cheney could be substituted for Michael Steele, and someone who still pays attention to the Republican Party could fill the rest of us in on everything.

I definitely think the Cheneys should have their own channel. How 'bout the one between Florida and Cuba? Yes, I know it's technically a 'strait'. Mox nix. It's nice and wide and deep and has sharks and stuff in it. The Humane Society might bitch about dropping The Dicks in with them as cruelty to animals, but I think the sharks can hold their own.

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