Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Crux of the Biscuit ...



The Bush Doctrine is the source of all this horror. The idea that you can invade another country simply because they might pose a threat someday is nothing more that than the illegal concept of preventive war (which the Bushies simply rebranded as "preemptive" war.) And it's what leads to the idea that you can torture and imprison indefinitely in the name of that war. You don't need a real ticking time bomb, just the belief that there might be one someday.

Torture, therefore, is an intrinsic feature of the Bush Doctrine. It all flows from there.


This is why we need an investigation and prosecutions. The conventional wisdom cannot remain that once you gain power in America, you are free to do whatever you please without consequence. There are too many people in this world who believe that power means immunity from law and regulation. It might work in a tin horn dictatorship but it must not work here. Not if we want to remain 'America' in its best connotation.

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