Monday, May 11, 2009

Details of Spain’s Indictment of Yoo, Bybee, et al.

From Zongo at Oxdown Gazette:

While I have not yet been able to locate a copy of the indictment itself, an article published today on the website of "El Mundo", a Madrid newspaper, does detail some of the allegations made in the indictment/complaint. The main part of the article was discussing the judge's request of the United States to state whether or not there was an existing investigation or prosecution of the relevant matters. The article goes on to provide some of the specifics contained in the indictment. With the caveat that I don't speak "Spain" Spanish, and also that translation is tricky even when it's not legalese being translated, here is a translation of the second half of the article.

My Spanish has never been anywhere near Spain either, but he puts each paragraph in Spanish with his translation underneath. It'll do.


La querella afirma que los denunciados "participaron activa y decisivamente en la elaboración, aprobación y puesta en funcionamiento de un cuerpo de derecho positivo o andamiaje jurídicos" que permitió privar de derechos a los prisioneros, poner en práctica técnicas de interrogatorio que incluían la tortura y dar cobertura legal a esa situación.

The Complaint alleges that the accused “actively and decisively participated in the development, approval, and enactment of a body of legal authority and support” that stripped prisoners of their rights, put into practice interrogation techniques that included torture, and gave legal cover to the situation.

Much more, but what we really need are indictments in plain ol' American English.

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