Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hot-tempered Latinas ...

The right is trying to turn Sotomayor into one of those "crazy Spanish chicks":


Nonetheless, Hannity and Co. proceed apace, attacking Sotomayor's "judicial temperament" by making it clear that she's just too hot-tempered to be a good Supreme Court Justice:


Why, it's almost someone describing a classic "hot-blooded and crazy Latina" stereotype.

Now, I'll tell ya about hot-tempered Latinas. I was seeing this Mexican girl when I was in the service who chased me around her apartment with a knife* for a half-hour ("I keel you, gringo bastard!") until I could get to the door and get my young ass outta there (she was quick). Not that I didn't deserve it, but in light of that, Judge Sotomayor is a pussycat.

*Not the first time a woman tried to kill me. Shit, once some girl tried to kill me for something my buddy did.

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