Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How long ...

Have I been pissing on Harry Reid? As long as he's been majority leader at the least and he deserved every bit of it. Today, however, I am here to congratulate him. He shoved it hard, dry, and deep into Arlen's sphincter:

The Senate dealt a blow tonight to Sen. Arlen Specter's hold on seniority in several key committees, a week after the Pennsylvanian's party switch placed Democrats on the precipice of a 60-seat majority.


Tonight's committee resolution, quickly read on the Senate floor by Reid himself, contradicts Specter's assertion last Tuesday when he publicly announced his move from the Republican side of the aisle. He told reporters that he retained his seniority both in the overall chamber and in the committees on which he serves. Specter said that becoming chairman of the Appropriations Committee was a personal goal of his, one that would be within reach if he were granted his seniority on the panel and placed as the third-most senior Democrat there.


Fuck you, Arlen, you whiny, self-serving, Joe Lieberman-esque, slimeball. I know used car salesmen whom I hold in higher esteem than I do you.

Great thanks to DB for the link.

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