Monday, May 18, 2009

Notre Dame ...

Excellent speech by Barry yesterday* (I had it on while I was working), handling the 'controversy' with as much class as we've come to expect from an intelligent man (nice change from the last idiot).

He spoke of dialogue and an exchange of ideas, the necessity to prevent unwanted pregnancies and, in turn, the reduction of abortions (I don't know anybody who likes the idea of abortion), and I applaud that. Thing is, that's about all talking will get him, a little applause.

You see, the conversation will shut down as soon as you take it to the next step. There are two ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy aside from abortion - abstinence and birth control. So, while agreement might be reached in principle on the broader subject, ain't shit gonna change as long as the 'Jesus people' believe their god frowns on birth control.

While Barry might be eloquent and rational, and make great arguments for easy access to birth control and sex education, he's up against a higher power. The Almighty. You can't argue against 'God's will'. And that's why there will never be a compromise.

I don't know about you, but every 'god's mouthpiece' I've ever met (in whatever religion) believe the Word of God can't be wrong, ever. God is perfection beyond our understanding - supposedly - and to compromise that would mean compromising one's faith. That would be a sin (maybe a mortal one - abortion and birth control are tantamount to murder, aren't they?) and would relegate the compromisee (my word) to an eternity in some very bad place.

So I ask you, how the fuck do you compromise with that?

There are only two options for the god people, condone murder or outlaw it. How are you supposed to get them to meet you half-way? How can you get them to approve of anything but abstinence in the joint effort to prevent unwanted pregnancies? To approve of easy access to condoms and birth control pills (especially the RU-486 "Morning After Pill") and devices would be to approve of random murder. The hard core won't cross that line.

As long as god's henchmen here on Earth equate abortion and birth control with mass murder from the pulpit, there will be no compromise. The only thing they will accept is the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the abolition of sex education classes in school, and the disuse of birth control. In this climate, finding "common ground" will go only as far as the initial premise, "to reduce unwanted pregnancies". After that, Barry's on his own.

*Though I will take exception to his words about 'conscience clauses'. You know, those things that allow doctors and pharmacists to deny care and medications to people because of their religious beliefs. You know, like me telling my boss I won't work on German cars because of what they did during the war. You know where I'd be, standing on the curb with my toolbox. If doing your job conflicts with your 'principles', get another fucking job.

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