Monday, May 11, 2009

Obama's First 110 Days

Will Durst

Neither is Barack getting what you would call your major assistance from either side of the aisle. "We want to work with the President." Mmm- hmm. The same way a starving coyote wants to work with a nest of baby ducks. One discouraging word circulating the Beltway accuses the Chief Executive of being arrogant, but you know what, at least he's smart. Because we tried arrogant and stupid and that didn't work.

Not to mention the economy being more fragile than a spun glass step- ladder, so pretty much everyone not named Rush Limbaugh is rooting for him to succeed. But with pirates and pandemics and Pakistan all set on High Menace, the job ahead looks tougher than untying a centipede's shoe laces while wearing oven mitts.

Much more.

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