Thursday, May 21, 2009 in circles, scream and shout

Think Progress, obviously regular readers of the brain, follows up on Fixer's post just below:

When will the right wing insist the NYC synagogue bombers are ‘too dangerous’ for U.S. prisons?

[...] Given conservatives’ recent hysterical declarations that U.S. prisons are unfit to handle terrorist suspects, Hilzoy challenges the right wing’s talking points in regards to the imprisonment of these “homegrown” terrorists:

This raises the difficult question: what should we do with these would-be terrorists while they await trial? And if they are convicted, what then? I assume that if it’s too dangerous to move people at Guantanamo to the United States, it must be much too dangerous to allow these jihadists to run loose in our prisons. After all, they might provide financing for other jihadists from their supermax cells, or radicalize other prisoners, or use special Terrorist Mind Control Techniques to create a whole army of brainwashed convicts under their complete control.

Prisons? Yeesh. Don't need no stinkin' prisons. L.A. County jail or Rikers Island'd have any jihadist beggin' for solitary confinement after five minutes in the gen pop.

I think one of the things the wingtards fear most is that our legal system might actually work. If it does, and it probably will, it will absolutely negate the fear-mongering and policies of the Bush years.

Worse for the Repugs, it might work on them too.

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