Friday, May 29, 2009

Shopping Day

We gotta spooge on over to Carson City today and do some stockin' up, so I'll just leave ya with some fun stuff.

Also, all you Social Security recipients, check yer bank accounts. Me'n Mrs. G just got a $250 each federal stimulus! In the proper spirit of 'stimulus' we will spend the crap out of it at a local merchant. New washing machine, come ta papa!

Limbaugh Says Republicans Are An 'Oppressed Minority' -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser

Is Rush still taking lots of Oxycontin?
Uh, yeah, and I also think one's
Got to assume if he sees any elephants
They probably are pink ones.

In the same vein (varicose?) go see:

Oh! Those Poor Old Oppressed White Guys!

And as if those weren't enough:

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face! Big Brother to Take the Fun Out of Going to the DMV

Gosh, how could anybody do that?

See yas later.

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